Data processing

VLF transmitters signals in the seismic regions - statistical studies

Signal Global Maps - first step of data analysing process, which gives the full view of radio signal emission in the VLF range, show the localization of known radio transmitters and intensity of their signal. Analysed data contain spectrum in the frequency range from 10 kHz up to 20 kHz. The difference between two spectral points is 19.5 Hz. However, there are some gaps in data base, so instead of 512 spectral points, we use 204. For analyses we can use separately up-going and down-going orbits. However, due to strong electromagnetic noises, we use only down-going orbits.
Problem: Which way is the most appropriate to show changes, turbulence anomalies in the signal transmitted from the ground, and registered by DEMETER ?


S parameter

The simplest way is to present the relative value of registration, but this method is very unstable. It shows all changes in signal and this may lead to wrong conclusion. We decide to make the simple ratio of two amplitudes with neighboring frequencies, because this may show such changes like dispersion. In fact, terms A(Fn) and A(Fn+1), represent logarithmic value of signal spectral density.
There is wide variety of definitions, but question which parameter is the best, has still no answer. However, formula with simple ratio S, in a very good way shows the range of frequencies for one particular station, when signal intensity is increasing, decreasing and when it achieves the maximum.
To present the difference, we recommend to compare short animation made for NWC station in Australia.
Left panel: S parameter. Right panel: absolute signal value.

images/nwc_r.gif images/nwc_a.gif