Title: Coefficients of the linear correlations between the model parameters for D and total irradiance in Lyman-alpha Authors: Kowalska-Leszczynska, I., Bzowski, M., Sokol, J. M., Kubiak, M. A. Table: Table 2 from Kowalska-leszczynska et al. 2017 (Evolution of the Solar Lyman-Alpha line profile during the solar cycle) ================================================================================ Byte-by-byte Description of file: table2v4.txt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- 6 A6 --- P Parameter name (one of the 9 parameters of the model) 8- 15 A8 --- beta determins the order of the magnitude of the parameter 17- 22 F6.3 --- alpha determins how strong is the correlation with Itot -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note (1): Parameters of the IKL model are linear functions of total Lyman-alpha irradiance Itot: P=beta(1 + alpha*(Itot/)), =4.25E11 [ph/cm^2/s] muK, sigmaK, dmu, sigmaR are in the units of radial velocity [km/s] abkg is in a units 1/(radial velocity) [s/km] AK, kappa, AR, bbkg are dimensionless Note (2): Header length: 19 lines -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AK 3.264 0.619 muK -76.237 0.213 sigmaK 38.008 0.104 kappa 2.165 -0.301 AR 290.41 0.28 dmu -0.344 -0.828 sigmaR 32.439 -0.049 bbkg 0.017 0.184 abkg 0.206E-4 -1.333