W. M. Macek: Information on Research Work

Completed Projects Grants of the State Scientific Research Committee (KBN)

(the name of the Project Head is underlined)

1. Global Heliosphere Structure Based on New Interpretation of Radio

and Plasma Data from Deep Space Probes Voyager 1 and 2, project grant KBN 2 2111 9203

Prof. Dr. S. Grzedzielski, Dr. A. Czechowski, Mr. M. Bzowski, Dr. Hab. W. M. Macek,


2. Dynamics of Low-Energy Plasma Population in the Geotail and its

Role in Substorm Processes, project grant KBN 2 Z6Z6 010 04,

Dr. B. Popielawska, Mr. P. Koperski, Dr. Hab. W. M. Macek, Mrs. D. Zwolakowska


3. Physics of Shocks in Collisionless Space Plasmas, grant KBN 2 P0302 108 04,

Dr. Hab. W. M. Macek, Dr. A. Czechowski, Dr. B. Popielawska, Dr. Hab. R. Ratkiewicz,

(1993-1995, final note - 9/10)

4. Nonlinear and Fractal Analysis of Data Measured from Space Probes in the Magnetosphere and in the Solar Wind: Nonlinear Waves and Chaos,

project grant KBN 2 P03C 012 10, Dr. Hab. W. M. Macek, Dr. B. Atamaniuk, Ms L. Obojska, Mr. S. Redaelli,

Dr. Hab. A. Turski, Prof. Dr. Hab. A. Wernik

(1996-1998, final note - excellent)

5. Fractal Analysis of the Solar Wind,

Ph. D. project grant 2 P03C 003 12 (Dr. Hab. W. M. Macek, Ms L. Obojska)

(1997-1998, final note - very good)

6. Nonlinear and Fractal Analysis of Space Plasmas,

project grant KBN 2 P03C 001 16, Prof. Dr. Hab. W. M. Macek, Dr. B. Atamaniuk, Mr. M. Grzesiak, Dr. hab. B. Popielawska, Mr. S. Redaelli,

Dr. Hab. A. Turski, Prof. Dr. Hab. A. Wernik

(1999-2001, final note - excellent)

7. Nonlinear Analysis of Collisionless Space Plasmas

project grant MNiSzW 2 P03B 126 24, Prof. Dr. Hab. W. M. Macek, Dr. B. Atamaniuk, Dr. S. Redaelli, Dr. M. Strumik, Ms A. Szczepaniak

(2003-2006, final note - excellent))

8. Analysis of Multifractal Scaling of Solar Wind Turbulence

doctoral project grant MNiSzW nr N N202 0076 34, Prof. Dr. Hab. W. M. Macek, Ms A. Szczepaniak


9. Analysis of Physical Mechanisms of Turbulence i the Space Environement

project grant MNiSzW nr N N202 4127 33, Prof. Dr. Hab. W. M. Macek, Dr. S. Redaelli, Dr. M. Strumik, Dr. A. Wawrzaszek


10. Analysis of Multifractal Scaling of Solar Wind Turbulence,

Ph. D. project nr N N202 0076 34 (head of the project, Prof. Dr. Hab. W. M. Macek,, Ms A. Szczepaniak) (2008-2010.04.01), Ph. D. with distinction, no salary

11. Analysis of Physical Mechanisms of Turbulence in in Space Environment,

project grant nr N N202 4127 33 (Prof. dr. hab. W. M. Macek, dr. S. Redaelli, dr. Marek Strumik, Mrs A. Wawrzaszek) (2007-2010.10.14)

12. Analysis of Nonlinear Phenomena in Space Environment (project NCN) NN 307 0564 40,

(Prof. dr. hab. W. M. Macek, dr. A. Wawrzszek, dr. M. Strumik, Mr P. Figura) (2011-2014.05.17)

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