W M M photo Wieslaw Marian MACEK

is a Full Professor of Physical Sciences (2001).

He graduated (1972) and received his Ph. D. in physics

(theoretical elementary particle physics)

from the Faculty of Physics, Warsaw University in 1976,

and habilitation in physical sciences (space physics)

from the University of Warsaw in 1988.

He was a member of the Plasma Wave Science team

on the Voyager mission to Neptune in 1989.

His recent studies focus on nonlinear dynamics

and fractal structure of the solar wind plasma.

W. M. Macek  

Professor of Astrophysics, Space Physics and Applied Mathematics; Institute of Physical Sciences (Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences) of the Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University (UKSW) in Warsaw;
Nonlinear Data Analysis Group of the Space Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences; M.Sc. University of Warsaw 1972, Ph.D. 1976 and Dr. hab. 1988 in physics University of Warsaw;
Papal Theological Faculty in Warsaw: Masters of Theology (2006); UKSW L.Th. (2010) and Dr. Th. degree (eclessiastical, 2012);
ESA Award (2005), NASA Award (1990), Polish Academy of Sciences Award (1987); American Geophysical Union (1990), Cospar Associate (2004), ESSSAT (2008).

See also Linkedin
Wieslaw Macek
Zob. (in Polish) Instytut Nauk Fizycznych UKSW

Awarded the Golden Cross of Merit, 2017
Odznaczony Zlotym Krzyzem Zaslugi, 2017
Awarded the Medal of the National Education Commission, 2015
Odznaczony Medalem Komisji Edukacji Narodowej, 2015

Brief Curriculum Vitae 
Scientific Illustrations 
Publications and Conferences

Science and Religion

Book on The Origin of the World: Cosmos or Chaos UKSW 2020

Info o ksiazce (in Polish)>, Content (in English)
order by (kup przez) Wydawnictwo UKSW
wydawnictwo.sklep@uksw.edu.pl, tel. +48 22 561 8923

see news UKSW (23.03.2021) Wonderverse. Nauka w blogosferze
also (in Polish) FaceBook Institute of Physical Sciences and
interview on Fractal structures in the Universe
and (in English) Wonderverse research group

Wielki Wybuch i Stworzenie prezentacja 20.05.2020

Teologia nauki w: Oblicza racjonalności, Copernicus Center Press, Krakow 2011

Teologia nauki wg Hellera
Book on Theology of Science UKSW 2010, 2014 (second edition)
Info o ksiazce >oraz Streszczenie i spis tresci (in Polish)
Abstract and Content (in English)
kup przez (order by) Wydawnictwo UKSW
pytaj wydawnictwo.sklep@uksw.edu.pl, tel. +48 22 561 8923

Book on Evangelization of Japan UKSW 2013
Info o ksiazce >oraz Streszczenie (in Polish)
Abstract (in English)
kup przez (order by) Wydawnictwo UKSW
wydawnictwo.sklep@uksw.edu.pl, tel. +48 22 561 8923

Prezentacja UKSW, 29.11.2013, artykul O kaplanstwie i religii shinto

Religie Japonii

Ewangelizacja Japonii

Wieslaw M. Macek

Space Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences
ul. Bartycka 18 A, 00-716 Warszawa, Poland

tel.: +4822-4966309, fax.: +4822-8403131

E-mail: macek(at)cbk.waw.pl

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Last modified: 30 November 2023

Space physics seminar, CBK PAN, 30.11.2023 Magnetospheric Multiscale Observations of Markov Turbulence on Kinetic Scales

Główna sesja naukowa Dni JPII Fides et ratio, Collegium Novum UJ, 16.11.2023 Istota i granice poznania naukowego

Plenary Invited CHAOS 8-11 June 2021 (Athens) On the Origin of the Universe: Chaos or Cosmos?, Abstract Paper
Plenary Invited CHAOS 2020 Reconection and Turbulence in Space Plasmas on Kinetic Scales
Contributed CHAOS 2020 Analysis of Reconection in Magnetosphere on Kinetic Scales

Prezentacja 20.05.2020 Wielki Wybuch i Stworzenie
Mariapoli Fiore 2017 presentazione Prospettiva delle scienze della natura, Abstract, cv
Streszczenie i biogram

Sophia 2017 presentation The Mystery of the Origin of the Universe and Abstract

UKSW 2016 presentation Rola nauki w spoleczenstwie opartym na wiedzy, Abstract, article

UKSW 2016 presentation Uwagi o rozumieniu czasu i przestrzeni w fizyce i filozofii and Abstract

Introduction to Fractals, Chaos, Intermittency, and Multifractal Turbulence
Mulifractal and Multifractal Turbulence in Space Environment

UKSW 2014 paper Byt i niebyt w teorii kwantowej and Abstract

On Turbulence and Reconnection at the Heliospheric Boundaries

Wydzial Fizyki UW Uklady otwarte, 19.11.2014
Presentation On the Origin and Evolution of the Universe

Nonlinear and Fractal Analysis
Fractals and Multifractals
Seminar TS
Nonlinear Dynamical Systems
Seminar HC
Plan of the Course
Turbulence in the Heliosphere

Paper On Sense of Life and Presentation